Who we are


The fertile Maxaranguape River valley is the home of Vivenda do Vale Produtos Alimentícios main office, the first family agribusiness company in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. 

Inspired by native fruits from the coastal tablelands and those cultivated in the region, agronomist engineers Gustavo and Fernanda Câmara have developed the delicious Sabores da Vivenda products. 

They selected and trained the best team in the area and implemented production policies aimed at benefitting local producers. These, in turn, diligently select first grade fruits for processing, decreasing distances and environmental impacts.


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Mission Statement 

Provide high-standard products to the national and international market, always seeking to exceed consumer expectations, guaranteeing a safe production process. 

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Be the market leader in the products and services we provide, always offering attractively packaged products of high quality.

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Commitment, Quality, Respect, Transparency and Sustainability. 

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Vivenda do Vale Produtos Alimentícios LTDA ME
RN 064, km19 Zona Rural – Ceará-Mirim/RN – Cep: 59570-000
Fone: (84) 99404-6140 / 99865-0040
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