
Tropical fruit jellies, characteristic of our land, in packages of 280g, 240g and 42g.
Flavors: Pineapple with Ginger, Pineapple with Pepper, Acerola, Araçá, Cashew, Cashew with Pink Pepper, Guava, Diet Guava, Guava with Pepper, Jabuticaba, Jambul, Mango, Mango with Pepper, Mangaba, Mangaba Diet, Passion Fruit, Passion Fruit with Pepper, Passion Fruit with Pink Pepper, Pepper, Pitanga, Ubaia and Umbu-Cajá.

Mango Jelly with Pepper - 280g

Mango Jelly with Pepper - 280g

Passion Fruit Jelly - 280g

Passion Fruit Jelly - 280g

Passion Fruit Jelly with Pepper - 280g

Passion Fruit Jelly with Pepper - 280g

Passion Fruit Jelly with Pink Pepper - 280g

Passion Fruit Jelly with Pink Pepper - 280g

Pepper Jelly - 280g

Pepper Jelly - 280g

Pineapple Jelly with Gengibre - 280g

Pineapple Jelly with Gengibre - 280g

Pineapple Jelly with Pepper - 280g

Pineapple Jelly with Pepper - 280g

Suriam Cherry Jelly - 280g

Suriam Cherry Jelly - 280g

Ubaia Jelly - 280g

Ubaia Jelly - 280g

Umbu-cajá Jelly - 280g

Umbu-cajá Jelly - 280g

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Vivenda do Vale Produtos Alimentícios LTDA ME
RN 064, km19 Zona Rural – Ceará-Mirim/RN – Cep: 59570-000
Fone: (84) 99404-6140 / 99865-0040
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